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Youtube Music Playlist Analyzer

Analyze your playlist and make Youtube Music pie chart with bands/quantity ratio, favorite year in music bar chart and complete release date of all your albums in a matter of a few seconds

Configure your chart with an advanced settings

Num of slices
Slice "Other"


The Playlist Analyzer works with what placed under the plaque "Library". It won't work with Youtube generated mixes (like daily mixes, or recently listened) or private playlists (check the main page to see how to make playlist public)

Capabilities of Youtube Playlist Analyzer?

  • First feature of the website. Get a Youtube Music pie chart made of your playlist representing your Artists/Number of tracks ratio. Choose colors, forms, explode the biggest slice, select desired number of top bands to be displayed and decide whether you want to slice "Other" be shown.

    Youtube Music Chart

    youtube pie chart

    Basic pie without configuration.

    Youtube Music Donut Chart

    pie chart youtube

    Second form of available spotify pies with custom colors (change shape of a chart in advanced settings) and slice 'Other' to represent non-top bands in pie...or donut?

    YT Music Rectangle Chart

    generate youtube music pie

    Create your square chart with exceptional Squarify and convenience of playlist analyzing!

  • Check the oldest as well as the newest releases of your YTM playlist. Release date bar charts and raw data.

    Youtube Music chart made of release date in form of bar chart

    youtube music playlist tracks release date

    Youtube Playlist Analyzer can be weird, so hopefully this will work for your playlist. Provides colorful data about your most popular year in music. While we're here, lil thanks to Colour as small QOL feature to manage gradients!

    Table full of your Youtbe Music playlist's albums, artists and release dates

    Artist Album Release
    Avantasia Ghostlights 2016-01-29
    Nightwish Century Child 2007-01-01
    Amorphis Queen of Time 2018-05-18
    Eluveitie Ategnatos 2019-04-05
    Falconer Among Beggars And Thieves 2008-09-02
    Dynazty Firesign 2018-09-28
    Bloodbound Nosferatu 2006-01-31
    Royal Hunt Cast in Stone 2018-02-21
    Wind Rose Wintersaga 2019-09-27
    Epica Omega 2021-02-26
    Brothers of Metal Emblas Saga 2020-01-10
    Beast In Black Berserker 2017-11-03
    Unleash The Archers Apex 2017-06-02
    Everfrost Winterider 2019-09-06
    Rhapsody Symphony of Enchanted Lands 2009-06-19
    Gloryhammer Legends from Beyond the Galactic Terrorvortex 2019-05-31
    Sabaton Christmas Truce 2021-10-29
    Kamelot Haven 2015-05-04
    Orden Ogan Gunmen 2017-07-07
    Battle Beast Battle Beast 2013-05-17
    Sonata Arctica Reckoning Night 2004-10-11
    Dagames Build Our Machine 2017-02-25
    Tarot Gravity of Light 2020-06-05
    TytoCat Deal Maker 2020-08-30
    Or3o All Eyes on Me 2017-12-13
    Dream Evil Dragonslayer 2002-07-13
    Black Gryph0n Insane 2021-06-11
    Gamma Ray Hell Yeah!!! The Awesome Foursome 2008-10-24
    Griffin Puatu Predator & Prey (feat. Jonah Scott) 2020-03-13

    Playlist release dates comparison in raw table form. Singles = Album in understanding of Youtube Music API, so this is the most descriptive and full list you might have with current YT Music capabilities.